A Short Seasonal Story!

A Short Seasonal Story!


At this time of year, it's our opportunity to say a very big

THANK YOU for the purchases you've made; the support, encouragement and advice you've given, the donated books and sewing machines (and carrying them out there), the to-ing and fro-ing, the children you've sponsored, the time you've given in volunteering... the list is long!

We couldn't do it without your support - so again, another very big. THANK YOU for all that you've helped us to achieve this year.

So, with apologies to Frederic Austin and his 'Twelve Days of Christmas', we've a short ballad for you: (to be sung in the same tune... if you can!)

In 2019, thanks to your support, Team Bushbells had: (take a deep breath.....) 🎵🎶🎶🎵

ONE water well dug
(complete with solar pump)

TWO new lock up classrooms built

THREE new Bush 'babies'
(born to three of our teachers)

FOUR magnificent tailors
(who make all your clothes; Sammy, Rahema, Ruth, and Lilian)

FIVE wonderful volunteers
(Josh, Katana, and family Junco...)

SIX dedicated teachers

SEVEN school days out
(Snake farm (eek), Ocean Trust, Eco-World and beach clean-ups)

EIGHT-teen thousand breakfasts
(daily breakfast for every child)

NINE-ty pupils attending

TEN-hundred kilos
(of fruit and veg were grown and harvested at the school)

ELEVEN football fanatics
(it's their favourite sport)

TWELVE sponsored orphans
(all flourishing at the school and passed all their exams)

🎵🎶🎶🎵 (B-R-E-A-T-H-E) 🎼🎵🎼🎵 for final refrain 🎼🎶🎵

And plenty of BELLS in a BUSH tree!!


Catalina and Pablo in Salima’s class, reading a story.
Laura (11) with Salima and Rose - two of the school’s teachers, trying to learn Swahili!
Catalina and Pablo in Salima’s class, reading a story.
Laura (11) with Salima and Rose - two of the school’s teachers, trying to learn Swahili!


Wishing you and yours a very happy, peaceful and joyful Christmas and all good things for 2020. We'll be back in the New Year, introducing our new colours and giving you more school updates. Happy Days!

Last orders on 18th December to avoid disappointment!

Sending love and thanks, Team Bushbells:
Jax, Vicki and CFO Charlie


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