What a lovely email to receive from KBC, whose class at St Ronan’s School in Kent have been busy baking. We were introduced to this school via a very close Bushbells friend and supporter, and have made strong links with the school, who often use Bushbells school as a comparative study to a school day in England – activities done, lessons taught, resources, food eaten etc. So we were overjoyed to learn that they’ve raised a considerable amount of money from a class bake off. Being ‘UK book week’, KBC felt that books would be an appropriate purchase.
The school can never have enough books, especially as the curriculum books seem to always be changing, so we were delighted to take down two huge boxes of books to the school, thanks to this generous gift from St Ronan’s. The pictures of the staff smiling on receipt of their books, express their heartfelt gratitutde. Huge thanks once again, and Asante Sana to St Ronan’s for such generous and thoughtful support.