Back to school

Back to school

Two weeks ago, it was suddenly all systems go in Watamu, as the government decided that Year 4 could return to school in the private secton.  This amounts to only 12 children at our school.  They hope to return this week. 

New hand-washing ‘stations’ have been placed strategically around the classroom block (ingenious - a simple bucket with tap) and the new dining/eating area built in July is a welcome additional space with plenty of light and ventilation. This newest build has been funded entirely from masks that you have bought from us during lockdown – so again, thank you for this support. Our masks are also made from off-cuts, reducing unwanted wasted fabrics to landfill.

Lots of readjustment I am sure for both pupils and teachers alike - as they have been absent since March.  We'll let you have more updates as and when we get them.  We're happy to have them back - YAY ! 


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