These photos look rather anodyne - but they are wondrous and nothing short of miraculous!
They show the new workings and fans that have been put into the staff room, computer room and Mwana's office at Bluebells school, and all powered by the sun!
We are absolutely thrilled with this latest addition, and the addition of security lights too, also solar powered, will increase the security of the school compound.
We are only able to make differences like this because of the HUGE support from so many - and this donation is all thanks to the wonderful ASPIGA and Lucy Macnamara. Her own journey started with beaded belts and shoes that she loved when she holidayed in Kenya some 20 years ago, and the rest, as she says - is history. They are a fabulous company, with the coveted B Corp status, and we are honoured and thrilled that she has chosen Bluebells to support again this year.
No question, a sustainable world means working together to create prosperity for all.
Thank you thank you THANK YOU Lucy and Team Aspiga XXXXX