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Ex Libris

Ex Libris - or literally, 'from the book of .....' And in this case -  books are (as I write) on the high seas - having been donated from countless individuals and schools who responded to @loveridgejemma's call to action - WE NEED BOOKS!
But FIRST - THE LIBRARY ..... to store said books! 


This library is currently being built at break neck speed during the school holidays (only 3 weeks) and I cannot believe how quickly it has all happened. Jemma and previous volunteer Minnie - both walked with their respective daughters to raise money for this project and here it is taking shape (read more here).

It's going to be a room of peace and light and beauty and a wonderful addition to enhance the pupil's literacy. I am indebted to both Jemma and Minnie for all their ideas, support, fundraising efforts and energy that has made this all happen.  We are all so much stronger together  - AND I simply could not have done this without them both.  
Other very generous donations (Sherborne School and private donors M&S Lee) have enabled the very smart shelving to be done in double quick time and painting to follow. Again yet more thanks to them and their generosity.  

Keep your eyes peeled for further developments on this story! 


  • What a remarkable story – are you likely to be exporting any other shipments of books out from the UK? I have mountains of kids books all ages (all in mint condition) that I’d love to go to such an awesome cause.

  • It looks so wonderful!!! Well done everyone 🥳🙏🥰

    Minnie Davies
  • We are SO THRILLED that all our fundraising has enabled this space for the darling children at Bluebells 📚 Books are power, knowledge and education and we cant wait for the ship to arrive with all the wonderful books that people have donated! A huge thank you to EVERYONE 🙏

    Jemma & Luli

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