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Learning En Plein

You may well have read that country-wide flooding has delayed the opening of Kenyan schools, nationwide.  We are happy to report that schools WILL be re-opening  on May 13th - yippee! 


In this  holiday time Mwana has been working hard behind the scenes to get things done.


In addition to 2 pristine new girls' loos having been built, we had an amazing donation from Isabelle, who read about our work from her friend Chip, who was yet another of our marvellous volunteers at Bluebells school this last March. 


After chatting with both Isabelle and Chip, it was decided that a new 'outdoor' learning space would be an excellent addition.  It can be used for an extended dining area, as well as an al-fresco learning space, covered shaded area for play, or a quiet spot to read - a really multi-functioning space.


Designed with seating area, it is a thing of beauty with it's magnificent makuti (palm thatched) roof to provide shade and keep it cool.  


Mr Paul - one of our teachers, was heard to say when he saw it, "I've never worked in such a beautiful school" - and I agree.  Bluebells school is a very beautiful school.  


Thank you thank you to Isabelle and Chip for making this all happen - magical.

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