Term ends on high with our wonderful art volunteer Athena, and generous donations from Pipity.

Term ends on high with our wonderful art volunteer Athena, and generous donations from Pipity.

The joy about doing what I do (selling wonderful brightly coloured kikoy clothing to raise funds to build schools.....!) is the people you meet long the way. I was lucky enough to meet Kate (www.pipity.com)  back in May, and there was an obvious connection between what I sell, and what she sells too - all children based.  
Kate very kindly approached me with the offer of some her fabulous satchels and work books for the children at the school. And about 3 weeks ago, two huge box loads arrived and another kind friend helped me get them out to Bluebells School.
Meantime, this term, the school have been SO lucky to have had Athena H in residence as an 'art' volunteer, and she has completely transformed those children's lives by introducing them to the fun world of colour and art. With so little resources, art has never happened at the school - but Athena has made all this possible. (Do visit her instagram page - thewatamuwanderer to see more of her incredible art).
So, it seemed entirely apposite that the end of term ceremony on the 24th October should involve Athena as the 'guest speaker' and the person to give out prizes to the children. The wonderful donation from Pipity meant that every child had something substantial and meaningful to take on their summer break - from Pipity's fantastic work books full of games and colouring activities, to their beautiful activity satchels for the younger children. In the world of a Bluebell's child, subsistence is key, and a satchel full of colouring pens and pencils, books and activities is totally luxurious, and will help keep them busy during the long summer holiday break ahead.
We say an enormous 'Asante Sana' to Kate at Pipity for her most generous and kind donation, and the smiles on the children's faces say it all.  
And an even BIGGER THANK YOU to Athena for her generosity of time and all her creativity that has had such a memorable and transformative effect on these children. She has brought so much colour, sunshine and joy and happy creative ideas. Bluebell's children will never forget you Athena, and neither will Team Bushbells! xxxxx
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