Dodgy Knees at Altitude
None of what we do at Bushbells is in isolation, and we’re forever grateful to friends and folk who help us in so many different ways, whether it be casting an editorial eye or coming up with a new design suggestion for our belts. One of our great Bushbells’ friends is Lucy Booth who runs Kenya Treks www.kenyatreks.com. If you’re interested in an ‘off the beaten track’ experience on Mount Kenya, Lucy’s treks are private, tailor-made trips for small groups, with no set start dates, so you can plan your trek to fit in with a possible safari or coastal trip. The Times’ Matthew Parris wrote a brilliant article recently after doing one of Lucy’s trips.
If you have a Times subscription, the article is called Dodgy knees at altitude: My climb up Mount Kenya. (If you don’t have a Times subscription, we have the article in PDF format.)
And the bonus of Kenya Treks are all the personal touches that Lucy adds, to make your climb up that mountain extra special! One essential piece of kit is the iconic Kenyan kikoy! Kikoys are SO useful for so many different things, and up the mountain they act as great warmth as a scarf on those cold starts, and then useful cover during the day as the sun comes up. Lucy says...
Have a look at the great selection of Bushbells’ kikoys we’ve got on offer – great gifts at great value, and an essential item in any suitcase.