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Happy Feet!

Last week, a great big green van came trundling into the school. Any visitor provides great excitement for the school and this was no exception. The van doors opened, the excitement mounted and soon all the children were lining up in an orderly fashion and one by one, their feet were recorded for size and checked for jiggers. And then one by one, each and every child was given a brand new pair of wonderful TOMS SHOES.

van arriving
The van arriving.
The boxes being sorted
The boxes being sorted

This is the second year that TOMS shoes have been given to the children at Bushbells and one can't really describe the joy and happiness this gives. To own their very own pair of shoes is one thing, but a brand new pair too - WOW! Their world just got even brighter! Some children walk 90 minutes to and from school. Having a pair of shoes that fit and that they can call their very own makes that journey easier to bear.

happy feet
Happy feet!
Shoes being lined up for size
Shoes being lined up for size.

TOMSs Shoes, founded in 2006 by Blake Mycoskie, all started because whilst travelling around Argentina, he was saddened by shoe less children he'd befriended in a village. Wanting to help, he created TOMS (a brighter future for TOMmorrow!) - a company that would match every pair of shoes purchased with a pair of new shoes given to a child in need. One for One. .... And our children at Bushbells are some of the very lucky recipients. To date they've provide over 75 millions pairs of shoes world wide, and thanks to them, they've just provided 75,000,060 more! Happy Bushbell's children. Happy Feet.

Our greatful thanks to TOMS shoes, and to Lynne who kindly co-ordinates all of this Watamu end. Asante Sana!

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