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Art room makeover

The school are indebted to Josh who has been working solidly this last month at the school, and it's his third time of volunteering - so we must be doing something right!

Josh has had lots on his 'to do list' and one room that was badly in need of repair, was our 'open air' art room. Aside from the concrete floor, there is only chipboard for 'walls' and a 'makuti' roof (made from palm leaves). It's a lovely cool space but the flimsy materials wear out over time and they all needed replacing.


Proud Josh and Katana after all their painting and repairing and putting up the new displays.
Painting in Process


Josh set to, buying new pieces of chipboard, and organising for the makuti to be replaced and repaired where necessary. He's had plenty of help too - as Katana (currently on university vacation) is also volunteering at the school for 3 months and was delighted to help Josh. An additional bonus were the arrival of Jess and Alice - who came and volunteered at the school for a week (I used to be at school with Alice's Mum in Nairobi - back in the day!) so fab to welcome a new generation to Bushbells!


New makuti roof going up in the art room.

Finished art room with newest displays.


Alice and Jess were brilliant with the art work they created with the younger classes and their arrival most apposite, as the senior children were sitting exams that same week - so plenty of art to keep the younger ones engaged and quiet was highly appreciated by all!

Alex and Josh with artwork from Mdme Hadija's class
Jess' creative sea scape from Mdme Betty's class.


Beautiful fish and all sorts of marine creatures have been carefully coloured to create a sea-scape, as well as colourful flowers and plants for 'The Shamba' (garden/plot) picture.  Great themes to tie in with 'World Environment Day' and the beach clean up that they all took part in, earlier on this month. The children often don't have time for 'art work' with so few resources, so volunteers' helpful ideas to make this happen are always hugely welcome!

Our profound thanks go to all involved: Josh, Alice, Jess and Katana - we couldn't have done it without you and the children will LOVE their new look art room! Asante Sana!

1 comment

  • Your more then welcome Jax and Bluebells, had another fantastic month volunteering at the school and so proud of how well it’s developing! Bring on next year!

    Josh Timms

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