Rob Stephenson Trust does it again with volunteer Gary P.

Rob Stephenson Trust does it again with volunteer Gary P.

February half term week UK side. Cold, wet and in the grips of wintry blues, Gary managed to escape and head south to the sun! Having left Heathrow on the Friday night, Gary arrived in Watamu the following day and had the weekend to relax and orientate himself. He was staying at the newly refurbished Echo Villas Watamu - perfectly sited to reach the school.

Generously giving up his own half term week to teach at Bluebells School, not only did he teach the staff and pupils a whole range of wonderful new games, but also he also brought with him 51 kilos of sports equipment. That meant two very large bags - one so large that he had to organise special dispensation with the airlines to get this 'wide load' out to the school. Contents? Two fabulous football goalposts, as well as rounders bats and balls, tennis rackets, bibs, footballs, hula-hoops and the most WONDERFUL colourful parachute.

All this fantastic sports equipment has been made possible by the very kind and generous donation of the Rob Stephenson Trust. Gary grew up with Rob and his brother Sam, and know the family well. And so being a professional PE teacher himself, he was only happy to get involved and see how their wonderful trust works first hand. He had a very rewarding week at the school, though I don't think anything quite prepared him for the very basic facilities at the school and despite having so little equipment, Gary was impressed by the children's keen attitude and enthusiasm to learn everything he had to teach them.

Short cricket, ball games, running and chasing games - something for all the ages and stages. The schools youngest children are only 3 and they go up to 14 years at the more senior level. The parachute was so inclusive and could get almost the whole school involved at any one time. Bluebells school and Team Bushbells are indebted to Gary for his kindness and his professional expertise, as well as Nicki and everyone who supports the Rob Stephenson Trust for making things like this happen. Bluebells will never forget either Gary or the Rob Stephenson Trust!

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Another 'Makubwa Asante' to ALL xx

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