Volunteers A-GO-GO!
Silver- Linings for our little school, as Kenya is a relatively easy place to self-navigate the various covid-rules, and with all our contacts in place, we've been able to host a bumper crop of wonderful volunteers this year.
Starting with Rae and Jayde from Dubai, who are both profressional primary school teachers, they arrived and took the children and staff by storm, teaching new methodology, bringing science out of the classroom and having fun with lots of dancing.
Rae said, "We can never never put into words about how lifechanging our time was spent at Bluebells Junior Academy. It was a short few days but it felt like forever, as the warmth, kindness and love felt from all of the children and staff made us feel so welcome. 2020 was such a difficult year for everybody and we could not have ended it in a better way by seeing the happiness and hope within this incredible community."
Next up were Izzy and Venetia who made some fabulous world flags, as well as plenty of help with the little ones and managing the breakfast club. They've very generously donated to the new build of two new loos that are currently under construction. Jemima and Tally painted some beautiful new signage as well as giving the library a much needed sort out and over-haul. They were followed by Freddy, Hannah and Milly and who together, gave Grade 5 a painted re-fresh, sorted out our community library for our tailors, took the children beachside for a fun day of sports and taught chaatti making (in lieu of pancakes) at the school. Not sure who was teaching who there !! Jake continues with his time there, and is the master-craftsman, creating and building two new beautiful benches and table for the library.
And more volunteers to follow. To all the above and those to follow, we say a massive thank you for your energy, love, time and the joy you bring. You will never be forgotten by our school community, and hope that you won't forget us!
If you think this is something you'd like to do, and persue the thought of volunteering, please do get in touch, we'd love to hear from you (email us: info@bushbells.com)